Reflective Log


I began planning the beginning of the project on the 19/02/18. I decided on creating a careers magazine with different articles about emergency services/ public services around London. I would have to think about how to cover the positive aspects about joining the emergency services and the benefits people may have or, to focus on the negative effects and all the cut they have. I would present the negative effects in a newspaper article. In a group, I was able to listen to different ideas that other people have made and write them down to make a plan.


Today I was researching about different jobs within the emergency services. The London Fire Brigade (LFB) The Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) and The London Ambulance Service (LAS) are the top three public emergency service in London. I've created a facts sheet on word and looked on each website about how to apply and what is more than joining the jobs.  I was finding out about entry requirements, working hours, pay, skills required and more to find out what people would have to do to become interested and apply. 


Began to start making a brainstorm about different layouts that I can use to present my information. I learnt about different ways and different examples of emergency service advertising themselves to the public through the media. I discovered that there isn't that many adverts or things promoting the emergency service jobs in London so I believe that making careers magazine would extended information and change the way things and presented especially about join any of the services which is a taboo subject as many people talk about the cuts the services get and how it is presented in the media.


I've completed the brainstorm about my ideas on emergency services and how to present my information. I've created a research sheet about facts about each well known one that operates in London. I feel more prepared about making the magazine as I have the background to know much more about emergency services. I am going to prepare to write up the proposal and starting to make the Pecha Kucha about my project and select pictures that will sum up what I am doing for the final major project.


I have just completed writing up my proposal which I uploaded onto blogger and I am about to start creating my pecha kutcha. Writing the proposal helped me figure out what my idea overall is for my final major project. I've done research for the first couple of slides which is to do with facts and my concept of what I am doing.


I have created more slides and started to create feedback sheet for my audience to answer while I am presenting so I know what I have to do to improve and what they think I am doing already to make it a successful project.  


I have completed the majority of my pecha kutcha adding relevant images towards my project and I am preparing a script to make so I know how to structure my presentation after the holidays. I've finished making a feedback sheet and it has the appropriate questions to ask the audience while I am presentation.  


I have presented the pecha kutcha and I have received all the feedback from all the audience and uploaded the video presentation, the powerpoint, the script and the feedback answers onto my research page on the blog.


I have created and and completed a survey about emergency services that I have uploaded to social media e.g snapchat and facebook for people I know to compete and help me construct the first article about experiences and opinions. I've made an magazine analysis about two front covers of an emergency service magazines. 


I have been completing the first bit of the product by making the front cover. I have taken a picture from a previous competition that I attended. I have experimented on different fonts and different titles titles and asked people within my class which suits the page better. I have now gotten enough responds to create my first article in the magazine.


I have started making a title for my front cover and made an analysis of different colours to which suit my background picture on the cover. I am going to think of headlines to feature on the cover with images.


I had all my feedback today and I have started analyzing and placing it into pie charts and graphs. I was able to completely present the information in the most easiest way on my blog. Altogether I was able to get 43 people to complete my survey, from retired police officers to college students using survey monkey and written responses.


I have started to complete the front cover of the magazine and was experimenting on the title with different colours and layouts. I settled on a final one and I have also added a careers advert which is about joining the police. I have now completed 2/16 pages in the magazine. I began asking people about their opinions of the front cover and have worked positively towards their responses.


I am continuing with the contents pages and started to write an editors letter and places ads for recruitment. I figured that I should mention on the magazine about publishers and distributors so I placed the Asendia logo  on the contents pages.


Today I asked some people in my class about improvements I could make towards the magazine. Majority said I need to change the typography as it looks too big and bold in some areas. I also have begun making the advert to feature in my magazine. It was going to be another advert about recruitment to the services but as I already have a police one, I'll make one about another service e.g London Fire or London Ambulance. 


I completed the advert and placed all the adverts I made and found onto my magazine. I need to write the articles being featured and add the relevant images and created a back page. I have written a quick analysis about the advert I had made.


Completed the first article for the magazine. Half way through completing second article with images taken. Completing the survey research but adding more responses I have been given.


Adjusted images on magazine and updated blog to make it cleaner and tidier. I made it more easy to read the information. I continued adjusting more information on the blog.


Completed the harvard referencing. Went over everything and completed everything. Finished project

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