
This is  the first flat plan of the magazine I created. it is important that I make sure everything is evenly distributed for example not having too many images on one page. I believe that if it was to become successful then placing advertisements within the magazine would help me make more money from companies who are wanting to advertise in  my magazine. Meaning that my target distributor, Asendia, would be able to produce more magazines depending on the demand from different educational centers.

I am going to use this photo from a previous cadet competition as it shows the diversity within of the services shown. It shows that younger people are interested from a young age. I had taken this photo from a previous competition that I had attended. I thought about how I could draw attention from young adults by featuring young adults on the page. The fact that everyone in the image is well dressed, smart and smiling gives the impression that being part of the services is something to be proud of and they want to show it off, which tells the audience that the services are more than the stereotypes they hear from the news or other people but how some people actually like or enjoy working for them. I believe that this image shows lots of diversity within races as I am trying to promote the services to become more multicultural and diverse. This was taken using a professional camera that I was able to borrow to take this image.

To get this title I was able to write up a list of titles and ask people in my class what they thought about them. The options were:

  • Blues flashing
  • Blues Calling 
  • Careers4U:Emergency service edition
  • Careers Ahead
The response I had from the majority of my class was blues flashing because it is more relevant to what I am doing for the magazine. I used to look at all the fonts to feature on the front cover. I also asked people which fonts they preferred out of the ones chosen above. They chose the first one as it stood out more and looked more presentable for the type of magazine I am making.

To begin with, I took the font from and places it into photoshop. These are some example colours I used but I decided to go with the second one  because I felt like red was too bright and was taking the attention away from the background. It also suits the background of the front cover because the people in the front cover are all wearing dark colours and the white writing contrast with the dark background.  achieve this look I placed the font into photoshop and used the magic wand tool to select the text and change the colour. Then I selected inverse to select the background of the writing and change the colour of the background so I started with this as my front cover.

I adapted the title of the cover to make the background correspond with title colour. So I decided to take the background out of the title and leave the letter blank and add different colours. I wanted to see which colours contrasts with blue so I search up on google and the images above were the end results. In the end I ended up going with orange writing with the black bold writing because it stood out to the rest of background and added a second focal point to the magazine cover.

This is the second flat plan I have created. I figured out that for more realistic time management expectations I should make 8 pages instead of 16. If I managed my time better then maybe I would be able to complete 16 pages.

I made this advert on Photoshop. I made sure that I featured a someone of a different ethnic background on the advertisement to show the diverse message throughout the emergency service that they don't discriminate anybody entering. It shows how the services encourage women coming into the services and making them more modern and accepted in society.This tells the audience about how anyone can join and how society has change and began to accept different ethnic backgrounds and different genders.

I also decided to make a second advert about the police and I used the image below to show how the met police are not just about tackling crime but also about volunteering their time to the public and helping events go safely like Remembrance day, Notting Hill carnival and Trooping the Colour. I figured that including a picture take was taken by me using a camera with a timer I was able to successfully to create this image in front of a memorial.

The contents page consists of an advertisement I created about police officers recruitment within London. I made one previously about the London Fire brigade service and how it is easy to find more information about it. I believe that including women on the advertisement shows the met police not discriminating against women being in the police and how they make every job suitable for everyone while working for the police. The contents page includes a small editors letter and recognition for the publishing company I had decided who would distribute my magazine. I figured to keep the colour scheme of orange to use throughout the magazine because it gives the magazine an identity towards the audience. I believe that I need to add something more towards the typography of the writing and it all cannot be the same because it might be too hard to read for some of the audience. Which is another reason why I din't pick such a bright colour for the colour scheme and theme.

I have began to write up the articles to the magazine and I want them to be in the format on the left page (Page 4) so it all follows the same design and pattern. This image shows the progress of the page and I am using guides to help me space out the text and add pull quotes whenever I can. I figured the orange pull quotes and the black writing help with people who find it hard to see and highlight the important information and also highlights where the article starts from. I am using real quotes from the surveys that I have been gathering from friends,family,employees and people I help with when I volunteer to help me create a general and honest article and to help people understand how I was able to deliver this information to the target  audience of the magazine which are people in educational centres e.g schools, colleges, universities etc.

This page shows the subscription, two adverts and an articles. I added the adverts because I knew they would conform from the codes and conventions of a magazine. I decided to add my own to make a variety of different types of adverts. However, the second advert was not mine. I believe that if I was to do it again I would make my time management better and focus on making more adverts instead of just the one that I made which was the LFB advert shown in the image.

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